Following is a list of the major changes to this web site over
the last month, the most recent changes are shown first:
- 05-07-1998
- ViDi0t in #cellular say:
"coming soon...much...blah blah blah"
- 05-07-1998
- Banpaia's Rom-Patchs page was
created, visit it to get a keypad esn entry patch for
your cellular phone.
- 05-03-1998
- One critical bug was discovered in BanpaiA DDI soft 1.6
beta for Windows, please dowload the 1.6.1b
version from the DDI page.
- 19-04-1998
- The first version of this web was created.
- 01-04-1998
- Banpaia Team desided to make his work public.
webhosting by Technofreakz.org
updated: 05/06/1998 (c) El Infierno, mi hogar
"Say You Love Satan"